It’s summer and time to plan vacations, family outings, picnics, and as much relaxation as possible. The last thing you’re thinking about, however, is your chimney. But winter will be here before you know it, and now is the perfect time to take care of chimney repairs and maintenance, and here’s why.
Drier Weather
The best reason to schedule chimney repairs and maintenance during summer is to take advantage of the dry weather, which is ideal for chimney repairs. The dry heat allows masonry materials to dry and cure properly, making them more durable. Additionally, summer is better for applying waterproofing products to minimize water damage and extend the chimney’s lifespan.
Easier Scheduling
Summer is typically slow for chimney professionals because most homeowners focus on vacations and other outdoor activities instead of home repairs.
Because chimney pros are slow during summer, you have a better chance of scheduling an appointment when convenient. And, should you need repairs, early scheduling allows you ample time to complete them before winter arrives.
Money Savings
Because chimney contractors are typically slow during summer, they often offer significant discounts on cleaning, masonry repairs, and inspections. Expect to pay full price as their schedules fill up in late fall or early winter. Taking care of these repairs now could save you a ton of money.
Avoiding the Rush
Waiting until the last minute to fix your chimney could mean not getting repairs done in time for winter. As mentioned, most chimney contractors get booked solid the close it gets to winter. If you wait, you might find it difficult to schedule an appointment, and there might not be enough time to fix the damage, making your chimney unsafe for the coming winter.
Common Summer Chimney Repairs
Now you know why chimney repairs are best performed in summer, let’s look at the most common situations we run into.
Water is a chimney’s number one enemy, especially in areas that undergo the freeze-thaw cycle. Over time, moisture causes bricks to crack and mortar joints to deteriorate, leading to spalling and other issues. To fix this, we recommend tuckpointing to replace the damaged joints and ensure the structure is sound.
Crown Replacement
The chimney crown protects against rain, snow, debris, and animals. Like the bricks, it’s susceptible to water damage and cracks. Depending on the extent of the damage, we may opt to replace it.
Flashing Repair or Replacement
Flashing is a metal strip that seals the area where the chimney butts against the roof to prevent water from getting into your house. Over time, weather can take a toll on flashing, causing it to peel away. Summer is the best time to inspect, repair, or replace the flashing because it allows the contractor to identify problem areas more quickly.
Chimney Cleaning
The Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends yearly cleaning and inspection, even if you don’t use your chimney much. Creosote buildup creates a fire hazard and can lead to drafting issues. It’s best to take care of this chore in summer, so you can rest assured your fireplace and chimney are ready to go once winter arrives.
Liner Repair
Most masonry chimneys have clay flue liners that wear down over time and crack.
Cracks in the liner put your home at risk of smoke, fire, and water damage. If the clay is too far gone, we might recommend replacing it with a stainless-steel liner.
Call Fluesbrothers Today
Fluesbrothers is the go-to chimney sweep in Kansas City because we do it all, from sweeping, repairs, installations, and rebuilds. Our technicians are fully certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America and undergo constant training to stay current on the latest techniques and technology for our customers. Schedule your summer chimney cleaning and repairs now by calling 913–236–7141.