by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection, Chimney Sweep, Creosote
A wood-burning fireplace is a primary and supplemental source of home heating for millions of homeowners across the country. Its comforting warmth makes a home feel cozy inside when it is blistery cold outside. But as beautiful as the flames are to see, there is...
by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Sweep, Uncategorized
Do you call in your chimney sweep to clean and inspect your chimney and fireplace or heating stove each year? It’s recommended by the Chimney Safety Institute of America to do so. However, there’s one more thing you should have your chimney sweep inspect: Your...
by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Maintenance, Creosote
If you have a fireplace, you probably hear a lot about creosote tied to your home maintenance. You know that keeping your chimney creosote free is key to keeping your home safe and preventing a chimney fire. But what exactly is creosote? How does it form and what does...
by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Maintenance
In spite of all that goes on inside your fireplace and chimney, both should be virtually odorless; a normal working fireplace will send the smell up and out of the chimney with the draft long before it ever has the chance to creep into your home. In addition, the room...
by Jeremy Biswell | fire safety
A burning question for many homeowners with fireplaces is which types of wood are okay to burn and which are not. There is no simple answer to this question, as the options available to you are quite numerous. Nevertheless, we’re here to help you make a more informed...