by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Maintenance
If your fireplace or chimney is in need of repair, you may not have to wait for warmer weather. There are plenty of chimney or fireplace repairs that can be safely undertaken when the temperature drops, and most repairs can be performed as long as the temperature is...
by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Maintenance
Fact: water causes more damage to masonry chimneys than fire. At first glance, you’re probably thinking that there is no way it can be possible, but let’s take some time to look at it. Your roof and eaves protect the majority of the brickwork and other materials that...
by Jeremy Biswell | Chimney Maintenance
All the proof you need of the power of water plus time: any of the many vast, deep-cut canyons and gorges you can see across our country. And the same types of weathering that carved out those canyons -- including the freeze/thaw cycle -- can do significant damage to...