For many people, the new year is a time to get their homes cleaned and in order. For some, a new year’s deep cleaning and de-cluttering is an annual tradition. To others, this work is a part of a new year’s resolution to have a cleaner, more organized home. Whether you’re cleaning your home as you settle back in from the holidays, or to turn over a new leaf for the new year, start your new year with a chimney sweep! A new year’s chimney sweep can help you start the year with a cleaner, safer home.
A chimney sweeping means a cleaner home.
It should be no surprise that your chimney is a dirty place. This is due to the fact that most of the dirt is contained in the chimney. However, the cleanliness of the chimney stays out of sight and out of mind for many homeowners. On the contrary, neglecting your chimney can have a negative impact on the cleanliness of your home. A dirty chimney can fill your home with an assortment of unpleasant odors.
The creosote that builds up from a wood fire can cause your home to smell unpleasantly smoky. In addition, trapped animals, animal nests, or natural debris within your chimney can bring in decaying, rotten, or musty smells. Having your chimney swept for the new year can help to rid your chimney of odor-causing debris. So, now you won’t have to worry about your clean home being fouled up by chimney odors.
A dirty chimney also can lead to a dirtier home. If your chimney isn’t clear for smoke to exit entirely, smoke can find its way back into your home. This causes smoke stains on the hearth, walls or ceiling. It also causes dust to settle and build up quickly on your furniture and floors. A clean chimney can help cut
down on the smoke and particles that fill your home’s air, each time you burn a fire.
A chimney sweeping means a safer home.
What’s even more important than having a clean home for the new year? Having a safe home for the new year. Dirty chimneys are the leading cause of chimney fires. This is why it is recommended that homeowners have their chimneys swept and inspected at least once per year. In addition to clearing away flammable creosote of fire-causing debris, your chimney sweeping will include a complete inspection of your fireplace and your chimney system. This ensures that your fireplace and chimney are free from any damage or defects that could put your family or your home at risk.
Make calling Fluesbrothers part of your new year’s resolution!
If you are ready to have a cleaner, safer home for the new year, call Fluesbrothers Chimney Service to schedule your chimney sweeping and inspection today!