The heat and humidity that accompany the dog days of summer generally don’t have homeowners thinking about their fireplaces and chimneys. In reality, August should be the time of year that you start preparing your fireplace and chimney for the cooler days ahead. When you start thinking about your fireplace and chimney now, you can be confident that you will have plenty of time to prepare for the first fire of fall.
Schedule your annual sweeping and inspection.
You know that preparing a chimney for fall begins with a chimney sweeping and inspection. Come September, chimney sweeps’ schedules will fill up quickly as the fall rush begins. By scheduling your chimney sweeping in August, you avoid waiting until the chimney sweep has less room on their calendar. You also will have more flexibility in scheduling an appointment day and time that works for your busy schedule.
Leave time for repairs.
Most often, a chimney sweeping is a routine bit of maintenance. Every so often, however, the sweeping can turn up the need for repairs to keep you chimney operating safely and to protect your home and chimney from leaks or water damage. By scheduling your chimney sweeping and inspection in August, you leave time for any repairs that your chimney sweep recommends. If repairs are found too late, they can delay your repairs and your enjoyment of your chimney this fall.
Take advantage of nice weather.
If you put off chimney inspections or repairs for too long, you could find fall’s cold and wet weather working against you. Some chimney repairs can’t be performed in cold, wet weather, so if you avoid addressing them this summer, you may delay addressing them until next year. August’s sunny weather also can afford you the opportunity to take a walk around your home’s exterior and examine your chimney for any signs of concern, such as cracking bricks or crumbling mortar, that you may want to discuss with your chimney sweep.
Consider upgrades.
Perhaps you have thought about swapping your outdated fireplace insert for an EPA certified one. Or you know that your fireplace would benefit from new doors or a new damper. If you delay speaking to a chimney sweep until September or October, you may lose the opportunity to upgrade your fireplace or chimney before fall hits. By thinking of your chimney in August, you can schedule your fireplace or chimney upgrade and still likely have your fireplace ready for the fall.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to prep your chimney for its first fall fire; call Fluesbrothers Chimney Service today to schedule your inspection. We’ll have your fireplace and chimney cleaned, inspected, upgraded and in good condition for the upcoming fire-burning season.