by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection
As a fireplace owner, you’re probably aware of the importance of regular chimney cleaning. But what about chimney inspections? They’re just for new homebuyers, right? The truth is that regular chimney inspections are important for every homeowner with a working...
by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection
As simple as chimneys seem to be, they’re not what you’d call “simple” structures. A lot goes on with a chimney during and after fireplace use, and a lot can go wrong that will lead to dangerous operating conditions. Fluesbrothers Chimney & Fireplace of Kansas...
by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection
It is the time of year when Overland Park, KS, families are enjoying the warmth of the glowing flames from their gas or wood-burning fireplace. However, many homeowners may not realize that creosote, small animals, debris, and undetected masonry & brick damage may...
by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection
There are places in your home where you can “cut corners” and come out all right. Your chimney/fireplace system isn’t one of those areas. Regular inspections performed by a licensed professional are critical in keeping your chimney and fireplace working safely and...
by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection, Leaky Chimney
A chimney leak is nothing to take lightly, no matter how “minor” it seems to be. If a chimney has begun to take in water, the problem will only get worse over time rather than better. A leak is defined as any situation in which water from rain or melting snow can get...
by Marisa Bell | Chimney Inspection, Cleaning Chimney
A fireplace is typically the focal point of a room. But the mantel that sits above the fireplace can be just as much of a focal point and bring mood, personality and pizazz to the room. If you don’t already have a mantel Some masonry fireplaces are built with mantels...